Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Covid Timeline Vs Trump Spin: 110 Dates To Remember

Anna Chen – First published 19 February 2025

A Short Aide Memoire For The Next Four Years. The Covid Pandemic

For the full detailed timeline, please bookmark the updated Page 6 ~Timeline of The Covid Pandemic

We’re about to be hit by another wave of “blame China” by the Trump administration and his allies for the devastating Covid pandemic. Part diversion from his own super-spreader actions, and part casus belli, sowing the seeds of fantastical demands for “reparations” to justify plundering the rising superpower, we need an overview of just what happened.

Among the narratives being circulated is RFK Jr’s assertion that the virus was designed to attack whites and blacks while leaving Chinese and Jews safe. If anything, Asian males are more vulnerable to the virus due to having a higher density of ACE2 receptors, the mechanism by which the virus enters the body. This has been known since at least April 2020. More publications containing the scientific evidence can easily be found with a simple search.

And Elon Musk has revived the lab creation theory in a cynical game of whack-a-mole.

The next pandemic is warming up to be Bird Flu, or H5N1 which has a 50 percent fatality for animals and humans. The US response has been as slack as with Covid after confirmation of the pandemic in 2020.

SARS 1, SARS-C0V-2 and Bird Flu are airborne. Be smart, wear a well fitting N95 or FFP2/3 respirator.

So, in the absence of any credible mainstream media investigation, lets remind ourselves of so many forgotten moments.

A Covid Timeline: 126 Things You Might Have Forgotten About The Pandemic

Timeline drawn from over 500 pages of notes. Compilation and analysis by Anna Chen, 19 February 2025

January 2017: The outgoing Obama administration runs President Donald Trump’s incoming officials through the White House National Security Council (NSC) Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense, otherwise known as the pandemic team.

31 May: The first of Trump’s Covfefe tweets appear 31.05.17

18 December 2017: Trump designates China a “strategic competitor”.

19 December 2017: In the middle of a flu pandemic, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) announces it is restarting funding on Gain of Function, paused since October 2014 under Obama.

2017-18 flu season is bad. “The deadliest in a decade.”

22 March 2018: Trump appoints John Bolton as National Security Adviser, head of the National Security Council.

12 April 2018: John Bolton ousts Trump’s appointed head of the pandemic response team, Tom Bossert.

10 May 2018: NSA director John Bolton ousts another pandemic expert, Rear Admiral Timothy Ziemer. “This means no senior administration official is now focused solely on global health security.” Trump dissolves the White House NSC pandemic team with some surviving staff drawn into the newly formed Counterproliferation and Biodefense directorate under Bolton who claims he is merely “streamlining”. “After he became national security adviser, John Bolton eliminated the office as part of an NSC reorganisation, as he did not see global health issues as a national security priority.”

6 July 2018: Trump begins his trade war on China, destabilising a global economy just emerging in sync from America’s devastating Great Crash of 2008. He launches with an initial salvo of 25% tariff duty on around US$34 billion of imports from China, including cars, hard disks and aircraft parts. China doesn’t buckle. China retaliates with a 25% tariff on 545 US goods worth the same.

1 December 2018: Meng Wanzhou, Huawei chief financial officer and daughter of the company’s founder Ren Zhengfei, is arrested on a stopover in Canada on an extradition request from the US. Trump later announces he’ll intervene if he gets his trade deal with China. She isn’t freed for nearly three years, leaving Canada 24 September 2021.

January-August 2019: Crimson Contagion exercise: “A joint exercise conducted under the Trump administration from January to August 2019, in which numerous national, state and local, private and public organizations in the US participated, in order to test the capacity of the federal government and twelve states to respond to a severe pandemic of influenza originating in China.”

March 2019: The UK PPE emergency stockpile has fallen 40% since 2013, down £325m to £506m in March

4 March 2019: The US government approves resumption of Gain of Function creation of deadly human flu virus from Avian Flu. Scientists object and sound the alarm.

12 March 2019: The University of Barcelona in Spain announces (June 2020) that waste water collected 12 March 2019 contains traces of the novel coronavirus, nine months before Covid-19 is identified in China. * On the same day, only months after a joint naval exercise with China, and on the eve of a possible end of Trump’s trade war with a deal that sidelines European business interests, the EU echoes Washington’s definition of their trade partner as an economic competitor and systemic rival. The EU slams Italy for joining the Belt and Road Initiative, a trade route running across the length of the Europe Asia landmass and beyond. Having been bailed out by China after America’s devastating 2008 crash, the EU complains about China’s subsidised economy. French President Emmanuel Macron demands a coordinated, united approach to China.

23 March 2019: Italy becomes the first G7 European nation to join China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) signing up to a trade deal worth $2.9 billion. The US was always unlikely to accept this even though China’s ambassador to the US, Cui Tiankai, invites them to join BRI. Italy will be the European country hit hardest by Covid in 2019-20.

24 April 2019: China’s Belt and Road Initiative, begun 2013, has signed up 126 countries by 24th April, with trade volume surpassing $6T.

26 April 2019: Unhappy with China’s BRI milestone, China hawks grieve in their discontent. In May, the following month, a US delegation arrives in London and orders the UK rip out their Huawei 5G infrastructure, much of which has already been paid for. They shout at the GCHQ officials for five hours. Former British National Security Adviser and later, Ambassador to the US, Kim Darroch: “The encounter exposed that the US case was really political, not technical. So GCHQ stuck to their guns, and, initially, so did the prime minister. (Theresa May)'” Boris Johnson acquiesces in May the following year.

30 June 2019: Mysterious respiratory disease breaks out in the Greenspring Care Home, Fairfax county, Virginia USA, results in 54 illnesses, 18 hospitalisations and two deaths. The care home deaths are remarkably similar to Covid but are never explained.

Summer 2019: NED backs Hong Kong riots – China doesn’t buckle

July 2019: Having already disbanded the US pandemic team, Trump closes the CDC’s 47-strong Beijing office, recalling the last remaining CDC officer in July.

July 2019: In the UK, the new Prime Minister Boris Johnson abolishes the UK pandemic team in the same month as Trump shuts the US CDC’s Beijing office. Temporarily mothballed by former PM Theresa May (to focus on Brexit), the Threats, Hazards, Resilience and Contingency Committee (THRCC) was designed to ensure the UK was prepared for a pandemic.

19 July 2019: Fort Detrick’s army laboratory is closed by the CDC due to leaks.

August 2019: The first case of EVALI (e-cigarette, or vaping, product use-associated lung injury) is reported to the CDC in early August.

6 September 2019: Federal health officials announce five mysterious deaths linked to vaping: seven by 17 September. X-rays show the same glassification of lungs that will show up in Covid.

September 2019: Trump closes the PREDICT early warning programme designed to alert the government to potential pandemics only three months before first Covid cases are found in China.

9 October 2019: A strange lung disease in the military. “The U.S. Army has hospitalized two soldiers with severe lung damage linked to vaping, a cigarette alternative that is responsible for 18 deaths in a multi-state outbreak. As of October 1, roughly 1,000 lung injury cases associated with vaping have been reported to the CDC from 48 states and 1 U.S. territory.” Nowhere else in the world outside the US and the military experienced vaping deaths.

18 October 2019: The international Military Games are hosted in Wuhan. 300 American military servicemen and women take part. The same day sees the launch of Event 201 in New York, a table-top pandemic exercise.

24 October 2019: Five of the US military develop a fever and are taken to an infectious diseases hospital for treatment. The following February, the head of the Wuhan Jinyintan hospital where they were treated insists it was malaria, not the novel coronavirus. China is malaria-free.

4 November 2019: Trump posts another covfefe tweet. “How do you know it was a “mistweet?’ May be something with deeper meaning!”

November 2019: The Pentagon briefs Nato and Israel about the coming Pandemic. But doesn’t warn China.

17 November 2019: Trump’s non-routine visit to Walter Reed Hospital raises suspicions that the president received an early coronavirus shot.

21 November 2019: Evidence that the virus could have been circulating in the world prior to the first cases in China. In addition to the virus found in Barcelona sewage earlier in March, the SARS-CoV-2 sequence is found in Milan, Italy, in a four-year old boy “with no history of travelling” who falls ill in November 2019. The sample is taken 5 December and later identified, corroborating earlier waste-water samples. COVID-19 antibodies are found in nearly 12% of Italian 959 lung cancer screening blood samples drawn September 2019 to March 2020. Fourteen percent of the positives are from September. In Late November, viral RNA is found in wastewater in Brazil. In France, antibodies are found in serum samples collected in November, and viral RNA is detected in December “in a respiratory sample from a patient hospitalised for haemoptysis”. If Covid was present at this time or earlier, by the time it was discovered in China in December, it would have been all over the country, not just Hubei province.

22 November 2019: Fort Detrick prepares to reopen after two breaches of containment closed it earlier in the year. “In one instance, personnel deliberately propped open the door to the autoclave room while the employee removed biohazard waste.”

1 December 2019: First symptoms for COVID-19 found in Hubei in a 55 -year old man.

10 December 2019: Huanan seafood market’s Covid case zero in Wuhan. Wei Guixian, a seafood merchant, first feels ill. Earliest ascertained market case.

13 December 2019: 106 Covid antigen-positive readings were found in 7,389 American Red Cross blood samples taken across nine states in the US between 13 December 2019 and 17 January 2020 (tested 2021). This number of samples with SARS-CoV-2-reactive antibodies present indicates an initial infection around August 2019 and that it was already well established by December. Within this batch, reactive antibodies were found in samples from California, Oregon and Washington, 13-16 December 2019. Similarly, antibodies were found in samples from Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, Michigan, Oregon, Rhode Island, Washington, and Wisconsin in early January. There’s been no public investigation of samples taken earlier than December.

16 December 2019: Why would Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison depart for a mysterious holiday at a US military resort in Hawaii, right in the middle of the bushfire emergency? Cut to April 17 the following year.

18 December 2019: There’s enough of the virus circulating in Italy for waste water samples collected on the 18th December to allow the detection of viral RNA.

27 December 2019: In Wuhan, Zhang Jixian, the director of respiratory and critical care at Hubei Provincial Hospital, reports the viral pneumonia of unknown origin to Wuhan Hospital management the day after she notices four unusual cases in her unit. Over the next two days, the Chinese CDC is alerted. France gets its first case when a sample taken on the 27th from a fishmonger who has never travelled to China later tests positive for Covid (confirmed May 2020).

30 December 2019: The Wuhan Municipal Health Commission alerts the city’s hospitals and institutions with instructions. Copies are leaked.

31 December 2019: The Wuhan MHC reports the unknown viral illness on its website. The news is picked up by the news agencies and the WHO.

1st January 2020: The head of China’s CDC, George Gao, speaks to the US CDC director, Robert Redfield, about the spread of a mysterious respiratory illness in Wuhan with a further phone call on the 8th. Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan is shut down for disinfection and investigation, followed by bans on live animals from all wet markets, as well as the sale of wild animals to restaurants. In the US, 2020 is election year for Trump.

2 January 2020: Reports that this isn’t SARS 1 but is a “novel coronavirus”. Most of the 44 infected patients are men. We’ll later find out that the virus enters via ACE2 receptors and Asian males have the highest density of ACE2. 66% of patients were exposed to Huanan seafood market. The WHO in China offers support to the National Health Commission and requests further information. The WHO informs the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN) about the cluster of cases in the PRC – GOARN partners include “major public health agencies, laboratories, sister UN agencies, international organizations and NGOs”. The Lancet reports on the cluster of 41 cases in Wuhan.

3 January 2020: A busy day. Chinese officials formally provide information to the WHO on the cluster of 44 cases of ‘viral pneumonia of unknown cause’ identified in Wuhan. Robert Redfield informs Alex Azar, secretary of Health and Human Services, about the new coronavirus in China. Azar tells the White House. Azar instructs his Chief of Staff to share the Chinese report with the National Security Council. Meanwhile, Dr Anthony Fauci warns CNN, “The current flu season is on track to be one of the worst in years,” as severe as the 2017-18 season which was “one of the worst in years, the deadliest in a decade.”. * In the UK, Health minister Matt Hancock is alerted to the outbreak, speaking to health officials on the 6th. Back in China, Professor Zhang Yongzhen of the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Centre and School of Public Health, receives sample swabs from Wuhan and starts to map out the first complete genome of the strange pneumonia.

4 January 2020: Trump plays golf. Iranian Major General Qasem Suleimani is assassinated by a US attack drone at Baghdad international airport. Iran will be one of the first countries to be infected with Covid, its political elite hit especially hard from its first case on 19 February.

5 January 2020: Wuhan Municipal Health Commission gives briefing updates, reporting 59 cases. Lab tests rule out SARS, MERS and other known respiratory pathogens, indicating this is a new or “novel” coronavirus. China informs the WHO which then releases its first briefing on cases of pneumonia of unknown cause in Wuhan. It later emerges that, on 5th January, Professor Zhang Yongzhen of the Shanghai-led consortium, which includes China’s CDC, sequences the genome in 40 hours and uploads the genecode to the US National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), also giving it to Eddie Holmes. Trump plays golf.

6 January 2020: A China Level 2 emergency is declared by the National Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (China’s CDC).

7 January 2020: Chinese authorities announce the virus has been identified as a novel coronavirus, similar to the one associated with SARS and the middle east respiratory syndrome (MERS). It is initially named 2019-nCoV. At a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, general secretary Xi Jinping personally orders officials to control the outbreak.

9 January 2020. The first known deaths from Covid occur on the same day in the US and China. Lovell “Cookie” Brown becomes the first officially recorded death in America, only identified later. Later, five others Covid deaths are found to date from January raising questions about when it started. The CDC’s director, Robert Redfield, admits to Rep. Harley Rouda at the House Oversight and Reform Committee hearing in March that they were misdiagnosing early Covid deaths as flu.

11 January 2020: The consortium, led by the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Centre and School of Public Health, had sequenced and deposited the complete genome code at the US NCIB on the 5th. On the 10/11th, Professor Zhang approves public release online by Eddie Holmes. The genome is deposited on GenBank on 10 January and released on the consortium’s behalf by Eddie Holmes on the 11th. The complete GENOME, submitted 5 January 2020. The WHO makes the announcement to the world.

13 January: China gets its Covid test. The Germans have theirs on the 16th. The US doesn’t get a test until early February and it doesn’t work. It takes until 15 March for 10K Americans to be tested. Later, there will be calls for CDC director Redfield to resign.

14 January 2020: The WHO’s press briefing states: “it is certainly possible that there is limited human-to-human transmission”. Their tweet reads: “Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel ‪#coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in ‪#Wuhan, ‪#China”.

15 January 2020: US markets close at an all-time high. Trump signs Phase One of a trade deal with China, declaring his 18-month old trade war a success. China agrees to buy an additional US$200 billion of American goods and services over the next two years. Tariffs are halved or suspended.

16 January 2020: Germany develops its own COVID-19 test. Russia will start producing its first tests on 24th January. Countries begin to ramp up their own tests. On 7 April, the WHO accepts two diagnostic tests for procurement.

17 January 2020: The Chinese CDC director George Gao and his team arrive in Wuhan to supervise the control and prevention efforts of the outbreak.* In the UK, a government document is published confirming that, delaying action in response to the Covid virus and abandoning the Precautionary Principle, officials breached their own scientific risk standards. * The US CDC sends 100 staff to three US airports to screen passengers for the virus.

18 January 2020: Beijing takes over responsibility for the pandemic from the Wuhan local government and sends in renowned Dr Zhong Nanshan to investigate. Wuhan’s Baibuting community go ahead with their Chinese New Year “Pot luck” banquet with 40,000 guests, gaining notoriety in China. The mayor later resigns under public pressure but insists that the spread was judged to be “limited between humans” at the time. * Saturday: Alex Azar calls Trump at Mar-a-Lago but is told by the president he is being alarmist.

19 January 2020: Gao and his team conclude that there was “‘very efficient’ human-to-human transmission ” The WHO tweets that “there is evidence of limited human-to-human transmission of nCOV.” Trump plays golf.

20 January 2020: A crucial date. Dr Zhong Nanshan confirms Covid human-to-human transmission after medics are infected and two patients unconnected to Wuhan are found in Guangdong. This confirms its airborne status. A total of 200 cases have been confirmed in China. China CDC reports: “Scientists from the China CDC identified three different strains of the 2019-nCoV, confirming that the original Wuhan coronavirus had mutated into two additional strains.” A WHO field team visits China. * In the US, the CDC develops a test but one of the three small sequence components proves inconclusive and the test fails, halting testing in February. Both the US and South Korea report their first confirmed cases of COVID-19.

21 January 2020: A Seattle man recently returned from Wuhan becomes the first officially known infection in the US. Originally thought to be a teenager on 24 February, when Dr Chu and her team conduct tests in Seattle without government approval in February, they discover that the coronavirus was already well established from at least mid-January. * In the UK, New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group (NERVTAG) scientists recommend the elevation of the UK risk warning from “very low” to “low”. Falling back on “herd immunity” assumptions, NERVTAG says tough measures would only delay the outbreak, not prevent it.

22 January 2020: Trump: “We have it under control … gonna be just fine.” * The UK’s Scientific Advisory Group on Emergencies (Sage) meets formally for the first time. So does Cabinet Office Briefing Room A (Cobra), chaired by Matt Hancock, the health secretary, and missed by Boris Johnson. Scientists observe Sage has a “shocking lack of expertise – no molecular virologists, immunologists or intensive care experts.” No-one sounds the Covid alarm: “the scientific committees that advised Johnson didn’t study, until mid-March, the option of the kind of stringent lockdown adopted early on in China.” SAGE’s John Edmunds says no-one thought it politically acceptable to shut the country down. Brits flying home to the UK from Wuhan are neither screened on arrival not contacted by government agencies.

Thursday 23 January 2020, 10am WUHAN LOCKDOWN BEGINS: Beijing locks down Wuhan, home to 11 million, followed by two other cities in Hubei province – Huanggang and Ezhou – in an unprecedented region-wide quarantine. All transport in and out of Wuhan is halted, followed by the others in lockdown. 15 other cities lock down the following day. WHO case numbers confirmed to date: 575 in China. The WHO warns the world to prepare for a global lockdown: “This outbreak was detected because China had put in place a system specifically to pick up severe lower respiratory infections. It was that system that caught this event.” * UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock updates Parliament. Risk level is set to “Low”.

24 January 2020: The first Covid deaths are reported in China which now has 830 confirmed cases (later discovered to be 9 January). Beijing sends to Hubei 346 national medical teams of 42,600 medical workers and more than 900 public health professionals. Details of China’s Centre for Disease Control and Prevention diagnostic Covid tests are published at the WHO website. “By the end of March it had conducted well over 320,000 tests.” Stunningly, two hospitals are built in 10 days at Huoshenshan and Leishenshan. Daily production of N95 masks is increased from 6 million to over 205 million by the end of April. China’s vast scales of production enable it to supply itself and much of the world with PPE. * In the US, the Washington Times accuses the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) lab of creating COVID-19, a week after the US-funded Radio Free Asia starts the ball rolling – no-one produces any evidence. Cases are now showing up in the US, UK and across Asia.

25 January 2020 CHINESE NEW YEAR: The next day, more China hawks including Steve Bannon and Tom Cotton accuse China of creating the virus in a lab. Two days after China’s unprecedented region-wide lockdown, Brits who flew home to the UK from Wuhan just before the lockdown have still not been screened on arrival not contacted by government agencies.

26 January 2020: In another attack in the Washington Times, “Dany Shoham, a former Israeli military intelligence officer who has studied Chinese biological warfare, said the institute is linked to Beijing’s covert bio-weapons program.”

28 January: President Donald Trump is briefed on the seriousness of the pandemic by his NSA. He orders evacuation of the American consulate in Wuhan by 747 plane, hundreds of passengers likely carrying the virus. But despite being informed how deadly the coronavirus is – including that it is airborne – he persists in playing it down, calls it a hoax, undermines the science and holds unmasked superspreader rallies for nearly two months. Carl Bernstein says he has no moral compass. CDC Director Robert Redfield gives cover, telling state public health directors that “the virus is not spreading in the U.S. at this time and CDC believes the immediate health risk from 2019-nCoV to the general American public is low.” Redfield will later deflect from his shortcomings by pushing the lab-leak “China did it” conspiracy.

29 January 2020: Columbia epidemiologist Ian Lipkin, dubbed a “virus hunter,” flies to Guangzhou at China’s invitation where he meets Zhong Nanshan. The following day they fly to Beijing. On Lipkin’s return to the US, he is extensively interviewed in the media. In February, the US CDC will send a “team of experts” to China as part of the WHO team to “look at the raw data”.

30 January 2020 GLOBAL EMERGENCY: The WHO finally declare coronavirus to be a globally Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). * Known global cases: 7,834. China: 7, 736 (plus 12,167 suspected). 98 cases in 18 other countries, 170 deaths. * US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Smith sees the economic advantage in a Covid industry and tells Fox News: “I think it will help accelerate the return of jobs to North America, some to the US. … the fact is, it does give businesses yet another thing to consider when they go through their review of their supply chain.” * UK Chief Medical Officers raise risk from “low” to “moderate”.

31 January 2020: The date Britain leaves the EU. Boris Johnson announces the Brexit departure in a speech but no mention of Covid. The UK declines to join a European scheme to source Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). A Tory clique wins the contracts for PPE, much of it not useable. * In the US, Trump bans flights from China three days after his calamitous evacuation of Wuhan. Alex Azar declares an emergency in the US. * Eighty-three Britons are evacuated from Wuhan and land at RAF Brize Norton, UK. * In Italy, two cases of Covid are confirmed nearly three months after a swab taken from a four-year old boy in Milan on 5 December has proved positive when tested.

February: The US is officially in recession, according to the National Bureau of Economic Research, having expanded since June 2009 after China floated the global economy out of America’s Great Crash, 2008. Remember, this is election year.

1 & 2 February 2020: Trump plays golf.

3 February 2020: In PM Boris Johnson’s “Superman” speech, he dismisses the Covid emergency. He observes that Trump is “letting the air out of the tyres of the world economy,” and is unsparing in his criticism of Washington’s trade war with Beijing. An angry phone call from Trump comes a few days later …

4 February 2020: Chris Whitty briefs Boris Johnson who tells him he is “overreacting”. The UK Foreign Office tells 30,000 British nationals in China to return home. There are no screening facilities or information leaflets at the airports. * On the ocean, the British registered Diamond Princess is the first cruise ship to be stricken with Covid: over 700 are infected and 12 people die. * The US CDC decides to manufacture Covid tests and distribute them under the FDA to state public health laboratories but doesn’t tell commercial labs to begin manufacturing. All non-CDC tests were effectively banned until late February. (Read the whole thread!)

5 February 2020: After 13 days, China’s Covid cases peak. They will reach zero by day 43 of their 76-day lockdown. * The US CDC begins tests but botches it. “While other countries have been able to run millions of tests, the CDC has tested only 1,235 patients.” The CDC labs are described as “filthy” and “contaminated“.

7 February 2020: US public health laboratories finally begin to receive the CDC’s kits but they are found to be not working due to contamination. * Trump phones Boris Johnson and takes out his frustrations on him. He rages at Johnson for not ripping out £billions of Huawei 5G infrastructure we’ve already paid for as ordered by his envoys during his and Theresa May’s tenure as prime minister. Johnson acquiesces in June after Trump bans Huawei from using US-made chips.

8 February 2020: A Shanghai press conference confirms the virus is airborne.

10 February 2020: Trump: “It will go away in April.” Despite the Covid test fiasco, the president submits a budget proposal seeking a $693.3 million reduction in funding for the CDC, or about a 9 percent cut.

11 February 2020: The virus is officially named “severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2” (SARS‑CoV‑2) by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. * A WHO press conference announces the disease is officially named COVID-19. The WHO’s Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus reverses his classification of Covid as airborne to droplets when cued by Mike Ryan, but refuses to blame China for Covid. In November 2020, Tedros’s Ethiopia homeland has its first civil war outbreak for 20 years. Trump will pull the US out of the WHO at the start of his second term in January 2025.

12 February 2020: Boris Johnson misses 4th Cobra meeting.

13 February 2020: US politicians dump their stocks a week before the Covid market crash “Black Swan” event. * In the UK, Boris Johnson and Matt Hancock fail to dial in to a conference call with EU leaders and health ministers to discuss coronavirus response. Over the next six weeks they will fail to attend a further seven such calls. * In China: Beijing sacks Communist Party heads in Hubei over ‘botched’ outbreak response in provincial capital of Wuhan.

14 February 2020: France announces first Covid death in Europe. * China reports 5090 new cases, 63,851 in total. Good news from Chinese scientists that antibodies in recovered patients can kill the virus. * After CMO Chris Whitty reassures Downing Street that there is no sustained transmission outside Wuhan, Boris Johnson goes on holiday for ten days at Chevening, reminiscent of Australian PM Scott Morrison taking a holiday at a US military resort on Hawaii before Christmas during the bushfire emergency. (Johnson took a New Year holiday in the Caribbean.) “Complete government breakdown”

15 February 2020: 760 million people are in lockdown in China. The western press gloats shamefully, no compassion or empathy, unwilling to learn lessons, not understanding what’s headed their way. China’s 76-day sacrifice will end up eradicating the virus only to be overwhelmed by variants stewed up abroad and forced to abandon Zero Covid measures two years later.

18 February 2020: UK care workers denied PPE when an NHS briefing states it “should not be needed” when dealing with Covid-19 patients who would be isolated.

19 February 2020: First confirmed case in Iran which becomes the world’s second epicentre.

20 February 2020: Stock market crash begins. Drops 30% by 23 March, the biggest fall being on the 16th. Ends 7 April when investors can reload at rock bottom prices.

21 February 2020: NERVTAG approves “moderate” risk assessment. Estimates 1.3 million dead but recommends no action.

24 February 2020: Routine contact tracing in the UK is halted. General testing will stop on 12 March. Health Secretary Matt Hancock sets up a new Test and Trace agency in May under his horse racing associate, Dido Harding. Total cost will amount to £37 billion.

26 February 2020: “Trump: Within a couple of days it’ll be close to zero.” The president replaces Alex Azar with Mike Pence over the testing debacle.

27 February: Trump: “One day, like a miracle, it will disappear.” US Covid testing restarts.

28 February: Trump: “Coronavirus is the Democrats’ new hoax.”

2 March 2020: PM Boris Johnson chairs his first Cobra meeting.

5 March: The US gets its Covid tests. Unfortunately, they don’t work.

6 March: “Anybody can get tests. They’re perfect”

9 March 2020: Italy extends lockdown from northern regions to entire country.

10-13 March 2020: 60,000 people attend the UK Cheltenham Race Festival every day. Local Gloucestershire hospitals end up with double the recorded deaths of nearby Trusts Bristol, Swindon and Bath. Dido Harding sits on the Cheltenham Festival board and is a Jockey Club director. On 7 May, she will be made head of Britain’s abysmal Track and Trace, costing billions, and made a life peer as a baroness. UK Chief Science Adviser Sir Patrick Vallance defends not banning the Cheltenham gathering: “The most likely place you are going to get an infection from is a family member, a friend, someone very close in a small space, not in the big space.”

11 March 2020: The US bans flights from Europe, except the UK, for 30 days. At the House Oversight and Reform Committee on 11 and 12 March, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Director Dr. Anthony Fauci and CDC director Robert Redfield give testimony on the pandemic. One key issue is the test kit debacle. Redfield admits to Rep Harley Rouda that they have been misdiagnosing early Covid cases as flu. Rouda: “We could have people in the United States dying from what appears to be influenza when it could be the coronavirus?” Redfield: Some cases have actually been diagnosed that way in the United States today.”

12 March 2020: With 590 known cases of Covid in the UK and rising, the government stops Track and Trace, defended by Chris Whitty, who says no social distancing measures will be introduced. The Lancet calls this “playing roulette with the public.” * 50K fans cram into Afield Stadium to watch Liverpool play Atletico Madrid. Lewis Capaldi performs for 12K fans armed only with bottles of hand sanitiser. Boris Johnson holds a press conference after a Cobra meeting, telling people to stay at home for 7 days if they feel ill. Thinking of banning large events but won’t close schools. Patrick Vallance then pushes “herd immunity” line: “it is not possible to stop everyone getting it. And it is not desirable either, he says. He says you want people to pick up immunity.” * China argues back: see “How the Wolf Warrior was invented”.

13 March 2020 TRUMP’S U-TURN: President Donald Trump U-turns on Covid and declares a national emergency, adding, “I don’t take responsibility at all”. * In the UK, the Government Chief Science Adviser, Sir Patrick Vallance, says 60% of the population must be infected with Covid in order to achieve “herd immunity”. UK IPC downgrades Covid from airborne to droplets.

14 March 2020: Spain goes into lockdown. In China Shenzhen closes. * The WHO’s Margaret Harris questions the UK’s decision to pursue “herd immunity”.

15 March 2020: The US begins staggered, limited shutdowns starting with the New York City public schools system. California follows with a state-wide stay-at-home order four days later on 19 March. Trump plays golf.

16 March 2020: Trump: “Our response is a ten.” * Canada goes into lockdown. * UK Professor Neil Ferguson publishes a study showing that doing nothing will lead to over 500,000 deaths in Britain.

17 March 2020: France begins lockdown. * In the UK, “the chief executive of NHS England, Simon Stevens, wrote to hospital chiefs, telling them to ‘urgently discharge’ patients to help free up 15,000 beds for the expected first wave of hospital admissions.” It’s not until 15 April that Matt Hancock announces plans to test all patients before entering care homes. Boris Johnson blames care homes. Dominic Cummings blames Matt Hancock.

19 March 2020: China reports zero new cases of Covid for the first time. * PM Boris Johnson tells Chancellor Rishi Sunak: “We’re killing the patient to tackle the tumour… Why are we destroying the economy for people who will die soon anyway”.

20 March 2020: The White House sends a blame China cable to state department officials. * The UK closes schools from today.

23 March 2020 UK LOCKDOWN: The UK finally locks down for the first time, to 10 May. * The US stock market crash bottoms out.

25 March 2020: Trump: “We’ve done one helluva job.” India locks down. * In China, the Hubei lockdown is lifted, leaving Wuhan as the last to open.

27 March 2020: A Chinese team of medics and equipment fly into London to share their knowledge and help our pandemic efforts. Their boxes are marked with the Chinese flag and Union Jack and carry the promise: ‘We will get through this together!’ They are ignored.

28 March 2020: Trump extends social distancing measures to 28 April. The official US death toll stands at 2,000, having doubled in two days. * In the UK, The Lancet is scathingly critical: ‘The UK Government’s Contain–Delay–Mitigate–Research strategy failed. It failed, in part, because ministers didn’t follow WHO’s advice to “test, test, test” every suspected case. They didn’t isolate and quarantine. They didn’t contact trace. These basic principles of public health and infectious disease control were ignored, for reasons that remain opaque.” * The WHO mysteriously and wrongly claims Covid is not airborne. It retracts the claim a day later, and is criticised 3rd April by aerosol scientists.

31 March 2020: Mike Pompeo tells Americans abroad to fly home “immediately”. US domestic flights continue.

2 April 2020 UK CARE HOME SCANDAL: UK government publishes Care Home guidance requiring testing only from hospitals, not the community. Health secretary Matt Hancock had previously ignored Chris Whitty’s advice to test “all going into care homes”, blaming shortage of tests, resulting in mass infection and many deaths. “… as ministers rushed to free up 25,000 hospital beds amid fears the NHS could be overwhelmed confirmed that ‘negative tests are not required prior to transfers/admissions into the care home’”. * In China, Shenzhen bans the eating of cats and dogs as part of a wider clampdown on consuming wildlife.

3 April 2020: At a White House briefing, the CDC recommends wearing masks outside the home.

5 April 2020: PM Boris Johnson is hospitalised with Covid.

7 April 2020 midnight WUHAN LOCKDOWN ENDS: China ends the unprecedented Wuhan lockdown at 76 days having eradicated the virus by day 43 – the last in China. From now on there will only be outbreaks to firefight on a smaller scale until variants stewed up abroad overwhelm their Zero Covid strategy two years later. In total, 25 cities locked down, containing 101,602,895 people with 4,632 deaths and over 82,000 cases according to the National Health Commission. * US CDC Robert Redfield downplays Covid: death toll will be “much lower” than the projection of 100K-240K.

9 April 2020: Free antigen tests are made available in England.

15 April 2020: Official US death toll reaches 25,000.

17 April 2020: The 57-page “blame China” memo is published by State Secretary Mike Pompeo’s Republican allies. On the same day, Australian Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton and Foreign Minister Marise Payne divert blame onto China and start calls for an inquiry. The blame-game is taken up by politicians and media in the West and sucks all the energy out of public health efforts to eradicated the virus.

20 April 2020: Eighty UK healthcare workers are dead with no proper PPE in sight. * The WHO director confirms only a low number of Covid case have developed antibodies meaning herd immunity isn’t happening. * The FT acknowledges China is staging an economic recovery.

22 April 2020: Six weeks after abandoning contact tracing, the UK government announces it is to resume in May.

27 April 2020: The Trump administration continues to confiscate PPE from countries and blue states, hijacking 5 millions masks from veterans’ hospitals. Trump demands reparations from China for Covid fallout in Opium Wars 2.

10 May 2020: Boris Johnson announces plans to end lockdown just as we are nearing zero Covid. Critics say the UK closed too late and opened too early.

28 May 2020: The UK launches its Test and Trace service under businesswoman and a director of The Jockey Club and Cheltenham racecourse, Dido Harding, appointed by Matt Hancock on 7 May. Hancock is a Cheltenham regular and trained as a jockey. It fails to find a quarter of cases and isn’t fully operational until 4 June, after lockdown ends. Called an “absolute shambles,” “flying blind”. Costs £37 billion over two years with little to show for it. * US Covid deaths exceed 100,000.

20 June – 22 September 2020: Trump holds 18 campaign rallies – unmasked – resulting in an estimated 30,000 extra cases and a possible 700 deaths, according to Stanford research. ““The worst part is that this doesn’t even capture Trump’s many superspreader events on White House grounds or the last five weeks of events across the country.”

23 September 2020: Letter from former director of the CDC, Bill Foege, to current director Robert Redfield is damning of Redfield’s performance and urges him to resign. “1) Despite the White House spin attempts, this will go down as a colossal failure of the public health system of this country. The biggest challenge in a century and we let the country down. The public health texts of the future will use this as a lesson on how not to handle an infectious disease pandemic. 2) The cause will be the incompetence and illogic of the White House program. 3) The White House has had no hesitation to blame and disgrace CDC, you and the State.”

1 October 2020: Trump tests positive for Covid, days after attending unmasked events at the White House and a presidential debate with Joe Biden.

4 October 2020: “Herd immunity” is formalised by the Koch-funded Great Barrington Declaration, opposed by most of the science community. It is impossible to achieve herd immunity (we are not cattle) when a virus mutates so fast.

19 September 2024: Cell paper identifies Wuhan seafood market as animal spillover to human site. Persuasive argument for natural cause but still doesn’t explain the earlier evidence of the virus in US (Red Cross blood samples) and in sewage in Italy and Spain.

Further Reading

The Covid Pandemic, Page 1: How coronavirus was weaponised – natural disaster, man-made calamity
The Covid Pandemic, Page 2: Sir Patrick Vallance’s Sky News “herd immunity” interview, 13 March 2020. Full transcipt.
The Covid Pandemic, Page 3: How “herd immunity” won and changed humanity’s health forever. Public Health vs Big Business conflict.
The Covid Pandemic, Page 4: Medical journals and videos on damage to the brain and immunity system by SARS-CoV-2
The Covid Pandemic, Page 5: I caught Covid again and it’s not getting any better. Covid Inquiry: denial of Airborne vs Droplets mode of transmission prolonged the pandemic
The Covid Pandemic, Page 6: (This page) Covid Timeline vs Trump spin – 110 dates to remember

Anna Chen - political and cultural analysis of US-China relations

Monday, 27 January 2025

Americans Embrace Their Red Note Epiphany On China

Anna Chen – 27 January 2025, Americans and China

China: “living in the future”

US Citizens Compare America And China

The one positive and profoundly moving sight since Trump’s inauguration is the millions of Americans who saw behind the veil thanks to Red Note. Watching this explosion of raised consciousness feels like an enormous sea-change taking place. Even history in the making.

TikTok refugees flooding to the Chinese Xiaohongshu Red Note app to beat the ban returned on the reopening with tales of marvels they never believed possible. These modern Marco Polos rubbed the sleep out of their eyes and raged.

“We’re third world, they’re living in the future,” is one common refrain heard from people who never knew how badly they’ve been exploited. “We’ve been lied to,” is another. The abrupt realisation that needing two or three jobs just to survive, with no healthcare, their infrastructure and economy crumbling all around them in the world’s richest nation is neither normal not acceptable has stirred a collective sense of injustice. Monstering China’s model only benefits the elites, so that schtick may have lost its potency.

However, the minute Americans saw how Chinese live their lives, state jaws closed like a steel trap. But not before they’d compared the cost of living, affordable homes, healthcare, social cohesion and beautiful infrastructure and seen how badly they’ve been cheated.

Having seen it, they can’t now unsee it. And that means a ticking time-bomb for the ruling class.

Americans In Free Speech Clampdown

TikTok reopened on the day of its proposed ban palpably bowdlerised and changed for the worse. The initial fear that it was moved to Meta servers during the weekend blackout isn’t much assuaged by the discovery that it’s been hosted on Larry Ellison’s Oracle servers since June 2022.

Dissenting creators and content were dumped or sidelined. Big Tech already abandoned fact-checks when Mark Zuckerberg caved into threats of imprisonment. It’s not only the end of the post-war liberal order and beginning of the aristocrat oligarchy. It’s also the end of 400 years of the fact, science and evidence-based Age of Enlightenment. Robber baron techno-feudalism is here and despises you.

We’re Third World, They’re Living In The Future

Welcomed into their Chinese counterparts’ homes on Red Note, they compared rents, food prices and work hours. They made friends and heard jokes along the lines of “I am your Chinese spy,” showing how smart, wry and generous they are in real life. A far cry from the anonymous ants and robots of age-old stereotypes fed to us by propagandists.

They learnt the truth of China’s hard-won progress. How, in a few decades, China raised 800m out of absolute poverty and created a middle-class of 550m, nearly twice the population of the USA. China’s mere existence is an indictment of the US elites who swallowed US national wealth, pauperising everyone else.

In 2025 you don’t need the Red Pill because the truth is so hard to miss. Western workers were fattened like cattle, asleep in the American Dream while they snuck up on you. And now 170m TikTokers are in danger of being fed to the oligarchs like Morlocks herding Eloi into cattle pens.

Will they work out a way to challenge their oppression in the face of threats by the Trump Royal Family and their acolytes? It’s going to be fascinating to watch.

The two wings of the US state have been openly fighting each other to see who gets first dibs on exploiting the American people. They’re fighting over who gets the best cuts, not over protecting their people. What started with Reagan beating Carter to the White House with the aid of hostage shenanigans ended by reversing the share of national wealth.

Anna Chen - US and UK-China political analysis

Shakedown: Timeline of America’s 21st Century war on China

Sinophobia – How Racism Has Its Roots In Politics: In an effort to “contain” China’s rise, the US is using every dirty trick it can muster to retain its status as sole hegemon, promoting hate at macro and micro levels.

China And Its Inventions: Anna Chen On The Radio 2014. China Takes The Space Exploration Baton And Flies With It

Sunday, 26 January 2025

Donald Trump Chaos Ushers In Reign Of Fear

Anna Chen – 26 January 2025, President Donald Trump

Here’s Donny!

President Donald Trump signs executive orders in the White House Oval Office, January 2025

Orange Godzilla’s Show-Stopping Return

A tsunami of breathtakingly spiteful executive orders signed in the White House in the first few days of Donald Trump’s presidency smashes home the unassailability of his power domestically and abroad. A stitched-up Congress and Senate, and a Supreme Court that’s already ruled the president can’t break the law, means checks and balances needed in a working democracy are gone.

Less than a week in and King Trump is trampling the world like an orange Godzilla. Aided and abetted by his gang of ne’er-do-well drunks, sex bandits and the far right, all are welcome under the Death Star Big Top. The crazier his appointees, the more he likes it. Mundane power is so passé. Absolute Power is doing its thing. Hubris abounds. Imperialism removes its gloves.

We can take a little solace in the knowledge that those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad. Unfortunately, we’re no longer pampered popcorn eaters observing safely from the sidelines. This time we are firmly bit-part players in this disaster movie.

Donald Trump At Home And Abroad

His opening act was partly anticipated. Land-grabbing designs on Greenland, Canada and the Panama Canal were already sending shock waves through the global community. However, even though he’d previewed this madness loudly in the media, it could have been showbiz. It was 50-50 that he’d actually go for it formally. But on the day of his inauguration, here it was.

Is it a negotiation gambit? He’s making crudely thuggish demands with menaces, grabbing the world by the pussy. Because he possesses zero self-knowledge and self-restraint. This is all seething id on a global scale and we wonder who can reel him back in.

Renaming parts of the world in his own flag-humping image, as if calling it the Gulf of America is going to raise its value in a cheap realtors’ trick, only makes the world outside the MAGA bubble laugh. And that’s at him, not with him.

He froze US aid to every country except Israel. Ethnically cleansing the Palestinians out of Gaza and dumping them on Egypt and Jordan may get him his Trump Tower on Gaza beach but not the love he craves.

Everyone – EVERYONE – is to be tariffed and sanctioned up to the eyeballs unless they move manufacturing to the US.

A Cheap Labour Solution For Donald Trump

And here’s the rub. To produce goods Americans can afford, if American workers are not paid Chinese/Asian wages, you need cheap labour. Otherwise, who buys the goods? The 13th Amendment makes slavery legal for prisoners in the US. Undocumented migrants held under the recent Laken Riley Act, in for-profit prisons, would make the perfect new serfs.

At home, attacks on the Constitution by ripping up birth-right citizenship and perversely setting ICE on Native Americans, appear to be rounding up the new cheap labour force they’re going to need. The choice is prison slavery or being kicked out even if you have a family. Deportation flights have already begun. Mexico refused landing permission for one US army plane carrying expelled migrants.

Women were already suffering enough from his previous abortion laws passed by Trump’s Supreme Court appointees when they reversed Roe v Wade in 2022. On his second bite at the cherry, he’s gone completely Handmaid’s Tale on them, signing two more femicidal orders that deprive women of federal government funding for any abortions at all.

January 6th Capitol rioters have been pardoned. Even the ones that attacked serving police officers. And sacking seventeen independent watchdogs, government agency Inspectors General who guard against corruption, has cemented his kingpin immunity.

China Shakedown

China Shakedown developments are taking place more or less in secrecy. State Secretary Marco Rubio, a notorious China hawk, requested and was granted a phone call with Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Friday 24th. According to one unofficial translation, it appears to have resulted in Rubio agreeing that Taiwan is not independent after all.

I am reminded of those videos of dogs snarling rabidly at each other through a gate until the gate slides open and, self-preservation taking over, the dogs calm down. Wang, of course, is more beautiful swan than XL Bully. He told Rubio that major powers have to act like major powers and, presumably unspoken, not like mobsters and street thugs.

One small victory for those on the side of the angels. China suddenly released a number of AI models that are many times more efficient and cheaper than the humongously expensive Stargate AI trumpeted last Wednesday by Trump and his Silicon Valley chums, for free on open source. Sam Altman’s $500 billion copyright-breaking OpenAI plans with Oracle and SoftBank just exploded and millions of creatives cheered. (See Suchir Balaji)

“This will be the most important project of this era,” said Altman, CEO of OpenAI.

This is hilarious. Reminds me of when greedy parties tried to sequence, copyright and privatise the human genome years ago. In a gripping international race against time, the good guys won in 2003 and made it open source for everyone.

Apart from Wang Yi, only Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum and Denmark’s Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen have stood up to Trump so far. But we won’t know what deals have been forced until they’re biting us on the bum. More news as it comes in.

Anna Chen analysis of US and UK-China relations

SHAKEDOWN: America’s 21st century war on China

WHAT WAS TRUMP’S TRADE WAR REALLY ABOUT? History repeats itself in the trade war: Trump’s fantasy trade-deficit was an excuse for carving up China. And that “deficit” was actually a surplus.


Monday, 20 January 2025

Donald Trump Sworn In As 47th President Of The United States

Anna Chen – Monday 20th January 2025, President Donald Trump

President to be Donald Trump surrounded by his Tech Bro court, RFK, Barron and Melania in the Capitol Rotunda

Donald Trump Redux: This Time It’s Personal

Hi. How’s your weekend been? Here’s how mine went.

The Inauguration Of Donald Trump — MAGA On Steroids

Monday, 20 January 2025: You could smell the avarice in the company of wolves on the podium at the Capitol Rotunda today. I’m surprised the Tech Bros weren’t openly salivating. Glittery eyes anticipated a feast as Trump threw them bone, meat, fillet mignon: the whole carcass.

A 20,000-strong audience watched the Don sworn in as America's 47th president at 17:02GMT in a ceremony reminiscent of Cleopatra’s arrival in Rome. They listened to his MAGA speech like it was the Second Coming, rewarding him with non-stop standing ovations in the Adoration of the Ham. The Silicon Valley elite bunched up on the podium on the left. Former presidents fading away on the right. The Oligarchy had arrived.

A slice of the world shuddered.

Trump says God saved him from the assassin’s bullet to Make America Great Again.

A slice of the world started drinking.

Some might read his aims for the nation to be “proud, prosperous and free” as screaming out his own personal needs: to be respected, grow even more filthily rich and continue to evade prison. Less so as a declaration of selfless good-will towards his fellow human beings we have grown to expect from Donald.

“America will be greater, stronger, more exceptional than ever before.” No longer to be bitch-slapped like the librul wussy living in his head at very expensive rental but which few of us have ever seen. “I will have my revenge,” he almost growled like the pantomime villain role models beloved by Masters of the Universe in the declining hegemon.

A Storm Of Presidential Orders

So how is Donald Trump to achieve his presidential nirvana?

First, every demagogue knows you need scapegoats for an inflation-stricken economy as you move fast and break stuff. Hundreds of immigrants without the necessary paperwork are said to have been rounded up for deportation even before he signs the Trump tower of presidential orders. These include declaring a state of national emergency at the southern border.

“Millions and millions” more will be expelled with the end of the current “Catch and Release” policy. That’s going to leave a lot of crops unharvested and homes left to clean themselves.

To add drama to the tragedy, the US army is being sent to the Mexican border to repel the “disastrous invasion of our country”. And the cartels are now designated as foreign terrorist organisations. Ooh, someone wants a ruck.

“The full and immense power” of federal and state law enforcement will be used under the 1798 Alien Enemies Act to “eliminate” the presence of all gangs and foreign criminal networks from US soil, cities and inner cities. I’m Commander in Chief, I’m going to defend you from the Enemy as defined by me, with full force “at a level nobody’s ever seen before”.

According to Donald, record inflation was caused by massive overspending and escalating energy prices, and he’s telling his minions to defeat it. Who knows how? A reminder that inflation was kept low before his wrecking-ball policies of trade war on China, the world’s factory, and the Trump Pump ended the economic stability brought about by China’s intervention after America’s disastrous Great Crash of 2008. Not that Biden did much better with his war expenses.

Drill, Baby, Drill. Kill, Baby, Kill.

Declaring an energy emergency, Trump reiterated his promise to “Drill, baby, drill.” America will have the largest amount of gas and oil of any country on Earth (watch out, Venezuela) and he will export it all over the world.

He’d forced Prime Minister Boris Johnson to rip out £billions of Huawei 5G infrastructure we’d already paid for in 2020, despite GCHQ finding no problem. I guess this means our wind farms and solar renewables are next. Let’s see how steely Keir “I have the balls” Starmer is in resisting the order to self-harm all the way to the Stone Age.

Killing off Climate Change action, Donald Trump will end the Green New deal, revoking the Electric Vehicle mandate, focusing on US autoworkers to produce cars. He neglected to say if they’d be working for Chinese wages. And if not, who will afford to buy them?

He intends to tariff and tax foreign countries to “enrich our citizens”. Which sounds ominously like an extortion racket with menaces. A new External Revenue Service will collect all the wealth pouring in from foreign countries. Yeah, I bet it will. The implication is that China is expected to fund Trump’s renewed American Dream. Lord, this is so 18th century Empire building.

He will establish the Department of Government Efficiency, to be run by Elon Musk, the richest man on the planet whose government contracts are worth $10 billion. In true Orwellian fashion, this indicates the opposite is likely to take place. Will they all be keeping receipts? Perhaps Elon should rip up his little earner and save the government money.

Donald Trump And The Golden Age

All government censorship will end and free speech brought back to America. Fair and equal and impartial justice under the constitutional rule of law. Law and order brought back to the cities. Race and gender considerations to be ditched in public and private life. It will be a colour blind and merit-based society. There are only two genders: male and female.

Service members expelled from their jobs for defying vaccine mandates are to be reinstated with full back pay. Armed forces are to focus on defeating America’s “enemies”. Will build the strongest military the world has ever seen. Success will be measured by the battles won, wars ended and wars not begun. Trump’s legacy will be role of peacemaker and unifier.

He implied that the Israeli hostage return, the day before he assumed office, was his achievement (shades of Reagan and Iran). Joe Biden and Kamala Harris applauded with frozen smiles and joined the standing ovation bouncing up and down like a Mexican wave. Talking of which, he’ll be changing the name of the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America. And will be taking back the Panama Canal that he claims is operated by big boogie-man, China.

America will be disease-free, practise manifest destiny, and will plant the Stars and Stripes on the planet Mars. “Our Golden Age has just begun.”

In other news, China’s Foreign office says it will allow ByteDance to make its own decisions regarding TikTok operations and acquisitions, reversing its previous decision to never sell.

The TikTok Ban And The Missing Hours

Sunday 19 January 2025: The TikTok ban was due to start on Sunday. TikTok had changed 170 million American lives for the better over five years. Not only did it provide income streams, pulling many out of poverty in the richest country on the planet where people need two or even three jobs to survive. It also opened up relatively free communication where information was rapidly exchanged, raising the collective consciousness faster than at any time since Civil Rights struggles of the 1960s and the Vietnam War.

This lost the state its control over narratives such as Gaza. Israeli politicians feared a generational difference in political perceptions, rather than a left/right split. Their allies in the US called for a ban on the app, using the excuse that it is supposedly owned by China and was therefore a national security threat.

In fact, only 20 percent is owned by the two Chinese techs who founded it in 2017. Sixty percent is owned by foreign investors, 20 percent by TikTok workers (including 7,000 in the US) and the CEO, Shou Zi Chew, is Singaporean.

In his first term as president, Donald Trump threatened a ban unless this highly profitable app was sold to an American entity. A bill, led by Republican Mike Gallagher who left politics early to work for Palantir, was signed by Joe Biden in 2024.

TikTok vigorously resisted sale of its valuable algorithm.

However, in a sleight of hand, the app went dark a day before the ban was due to kick in and returned less than 24 hours later, only a day before Trump’s inauguration, possibly with a changed algorithm. Dissenting creators and content have been wiped off in the Night of the Delete Button. The Singaporean CEO is no longer named on his TikTok account as the CEO. He was invited to the inauguration.

Friday, 13 December 2024

Attacking China Rebounds On America’s Little Helpers

Anna Chen – 13 December 2024, Trump on China

The Shanghai skyline at night

US Allies Learn A FAFO Lesson In Geopolitics

This article might contain chickens – and not just our leaders

The list of nations who did US bidding and are now in trouble looks alarming.

Who’d have thought that ganging up on China, our global lifeboat and growth engine that hasn’t had a war in over four decades, would have consequences? It’s almost as if there’s a cosmic rule we might term “FAFO” — F**K around and Find Out. A matched pair with “Honi soit qui mal y pense” — evil to those who evil think — going to the dark side is proving costly.

And this time, China might not save us the way it did after America’s 2008 Great Financial Crash. So play nice.

Karma’s Naughty Step Round-Up: The Master Race

USA: Joker’s in the White House once more, this time bringing all his friends. Not only won’t the mighty US be immune from polio if the quacks get their way, it won’t be immune from any recession created by Donald Trump’s coming tariff binge either. China’s trade and tech ascendence looks inexorable no matter what the fading hegemon throws at it.

With self-reliance now an existential imperative, China finally responded to years of a one-sided protectionist trade war with a $690 Billion cut to US imports, ending America’s privileged role as a key supplier. US agriculture is already reeling from the self-inflicted gut punch, losing its biggest buyer of soybeans — down to 18 percent this year and falling. Other industries are following suit.

Cry for the US people but not for its elites who are doing fine, thank you.

GERMANY: From cock of the Euro roost in one of the three dominant global blocs to chicken dinner not a winner. Chancellor Olaf Scholz swerved Germany from its prosperous China trade trajectory to aiding the rival US bloc in NATO’s war in Europe.

Not one inch eastwards, keep Ukraine neutral and don’t get involved with the 2014 coup: that’s all you had to do. Instead, replacing cheap Russian gas with America’s expensive LNG has wrecked Germany’s industry. And now you’re sailing warships through one-China’s Taiwan Strait?

War ‘n’ poverty, huh!, who is it good for? Absolutely no-one. The electorate knows this, lost confidence in Scholz and is about to punish him at the ballot box.

FRANCE: Similarly with President Emmanuel Macron, whose newly-appointed Prime Minister Michel Barnier has been ousted in a vote of no confidence, replaced by Francois Bayrou. Wants to continue EU tariffs on China where Scholz saw the light but too late to stave off disaster. A tough guy Sophie’s choice – who to please? Macron promises to continue war against Russia if Trump commits coitus interruptus and pulls out, but can the French afford it?

CANADA: Justin Trudeau’s constant stream of China invective can only ingratiate and deflect from Canada’s dire economy for so long, especially now that the “friendly” US is about to rack up trade tariffs on its neighbour to the north. Trump actually told him: 25 percent tariffs or become America’s 51st state. “Governor” Trudeau’s limp trade tariff retaliation and Ontario energy threat against the 300 pound bully is fooling no-one. One of America’s Viking war party. Another white settler nation that climbed aboard the USS Titanic to its own detriment.

AUSTRALIA: After the UK’s spectacular Brexit self-harm, the next US ally to reverse its own fortunes was Australia. This is, after all, the home of the boomerang. Perfectly placed to prosper from its Asia locale, Oz folded like origami under pressure from that other, bigger white settler colony that wiped out its native peoples. Right on cue in April 2020, ministers Peter Dutton and Marise Payne blamed China for Covid. China. Their biggest trading partner buying a third of their produce and putting two jet-skis and multiple cars in every Australian driveway when the global economy was melting down in the US Great Crash. That China.

Never mind, the trade was picked up by the US whose farmers were delighted to have a huge new market vacated by Oz. AUKUS is a similarly painful stitch-up costing billions and making them a target in any proxy war America might have out East.

UNITED KINGDOM: Now fully morphed into US Airstrip One. May enter recession soon. A tiny island excrescence off the arse end of the Eurasia landmass from which we could have prospered had we not done the dirty and splintered the EU bloc in service to the US. It is the monkey most likely to be used to teach the other monkeys a lesson.

Farewell, post-war liberal order. Hello, Oligarchy.

Karma’s Naughty Step Round-Up: Pacific Rimmers

SOUTH KOREA: President Yoon Suk-yeol makes Dracula’s Renfield look like a model of independence and rectitude. Yoon crooned embarrassingly to American Pie for Joe Biden in the White House, literally and figuratively. His constant drone of anti-China drivel may have pleased his masters, but he over-reached when he attempted a coup back home and declared martial law.

The US didn’t leap to his aid, quelle surprise. Horrified mass protests not seen in the country for decades put him back in his box within a few days. Under threat of impeachment he suddenly blames China for his actions. Kids, do not grow up to be like this.

JAPAN: Occupied by America since the end of the Second World War, and stagnating since the 1980s Plaza Accord hobbled its economy, Japan is in no position to buck orders. October’s snap election lost the ruling coalition its parliamentary majority. Shigeru Ishiba, Prime Minister since October, is not having an easy time.

PHILIPPINES: In 2022, the young country elected Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr, son of the famed kleptocrats with all the shoes, gallon bottles of Chanel and bullet-proof bras financed by America. After the US cooled off collecting the $3.9 billion tax owed on his late father’s plundered funds since he took office, Bongbong undid the stable relations with the regional superpower and pinned a target on the island nation by extending it as a US base. A growing economy that could easily be curtailed by war.

Chief talent: stirring conflict in the South China Sea. The US is not a member or upholder of UNCLOS.

Who’s Still Kissing The Ring?

So. NATO, under threat of defenestration by the incoming Trump administration, finds itself another project now that Ukraine is likely off the menu: getting that Viking raiding party together. Blaming China for its own messy losses to Russia, NATO has conveniently discovered China’s “strategic competitor” status from 2017 now that Donald Trump has been reelected and everyone knows what he wants.

Oh no, says a face-palming Mark Rutte. We picked a fight with a sleeping dragon that can build munitions faster and better than we ever dreamed. Better kick it some more.

Don’t say: What’s China got to do with the North Atlantic?

Do say: Give us more impossible tasks to perform. Where do I kiss?

When China Was Our Global Lifeboat

It’s amazing to remember that only eight or so years ago the world was enjoying relative stability as China’s productive economies of scale kept inflation near zero; there were few flashpoints, and the global south was headed economically north. The Great Crash was over, thanks to China’s intervention. Wall Street was happy. We were all friends.

However, America’s best days were over. The Crash had exposed its weaknesses and, although China saved it, no good deed goes unpunished when you are supposed to be king of the heap. Seeing America’s green-eyed monster squaring up to the dragon, the IMF’s Christine Lagarde pointed out we were at last emerging from the USA’s Great Financial Crash of 2008 in sync, so don’t f**k it up!

Did they listen? Heck, President Trump doubled down on Obama’s Pivot to Asia and began his mobster move on the rising superpower, threatening to turn the Golden Goose into a dead duck.

When Trump’s trade war failed to bring China to its knees, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) backed riots in Hong Kong. The protest leaders were treated like movie stars in Washington and mentored by the old imperialists. Nancy and Joshua in a tree. K. I. S. S. I. N. G.

Hong Kong’s last colonial governor and BBC Trust chair, Chris Patten, even wrote the foreword to their figurehead’s manifesto because Chris wants his Empire back and no steenkin’ Joint Declaration signed by Britain and China is gonna stop him. Even though the last six words of the pertinent clause promises Hong Kong will enjoy full autonomy, “except in Foreign and Defence Affairs“. Six little words that are always left out. Funny that.

China exercised its right to a National Security law in Hong Kong, just like everyone else in the world, and drew the former Opium Wars colony into the bosom of the motherland.

Under the West’s relentless pressure, China’s growth plummeted … to 5 percent. And it still outstripped the covetous band of declining nations now lining up to pillage the rising superpower like a bunch of Dark Age Berserkers drunk on bull’s blood, testosterone and memories of when they were the Master Race.

(EDIT: And don’t even get me started on Covid …)

Monday, 4 November 2024

China And Its Inventions: Anna Chen On The Radio 2014

Anna Chen – 4 November 2024, China and its inventions

China Takes The Space Exploration Baton And Flies With It

In the week that Shenzhou-19 transports three fresh taikonauts to the Tiangong Space Station and the Shenzhou-18 crew return safely to the Gobi desert in Inner Mongolia, China’s space marvel remains largely ignored by the media.

True, we don’t get to see that much of the International Space Station, either. But whether this is due to embarrassment that two astronauts have been stuck there for months thanks to Boeing, or the crumbling state of the space station, or plain old ennui, we can only guess.

It should be noted that the fading glory of NASA’s space programme is fondly remembered by many of us who were transfixed by the early missions proudly broadcast by the richest country on planet Earth.

What adds to China’s accomplishments is that, as a developing nation also having to take costs into account, it’s taken the baton and is rocketing with it. This seems as good a time as any to revisit what they’ve been up against and how far they’ve come.

Shenzhou-18 lands in the Gobi Desert, 3 November 2024, carrying 3 taikonauts from the Tiangong Space Station. 35 year old Li Cong is Shenzhou-18 lands in the Gobi Desert 3 November 2024, carrying 3 taikonauts from the Tiangong Space Station. 35 year old taikonaut Li Cong is shortlisted for future moon missions.

Entering The High-Tech Era

The first decade and a half of the 21st century was an information vacuum in the UK when it came to China matters. We were aware that the nation brought in from the cold by Richard Nixon, Henry Kissinger and Mao Zedong in the 1970s was chuntering along nicely, making the affordable goods that allowed us to live beyond our means. Inflation was at an all time low of near zero and we were busy buying lots of stuff.

I’d managed to write and present a raft of programmes with a wide range of unexplored themes for the BBC. In 2010 I broke through the Great Wall of Silence and made “China, Britain and the Nunzilla Conundrum” for BBC Radio 4, pointing out that China was about to leave its suicide factories making our tat far behind as it propelled itself into a new phase of its modern era. Not only was Chinese industry on course for making high-end tech, but lots of it utilising their vast economies of scale in production. Few believed it.

In discussing the rising superpower, you were constantly faced with the age-old obstacles of invisibility and degrading depictions as untermenschen, and character-assassinating demonisation if they got too uppity. Devoid of a balanced approach to a potential equal, the West took a schizoid view; wanting their cheap goods and massive investment but hating them for our dependence.

Some politicians and commentators coped with the decline by reviving degrading tropes about Chinese that I’d hoped were gone for good. Bubbling away in the background, the whole gamut was run from theft, dirt and cruelty to subhumanity, And yet it was these comic book villains who saved the world from the crippling US Great Financial Crash of 2008.

Attitudes remind me of the 1870s America economic downturn when the Chinese became the scapegoat for America’s ills, leading to the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882.

In 2014, fed up with the constant bleating denigrating China, our global growth engine, I devoted Episode 15 of my Resonance FM radio series to China’s phenomenal abilities.

Up until Britain forced narcotics onto China in the 19th century Opium Wars, China had been the most technically advanced country on the planet. They invented the seed drill 2,000 years before Jethro Tull did in 18th century England. Metal stirrups allowed Ghenghis Kahn to conquer half the Eurasia landmass up to Europe. They had astronomy, and invented the first plastic in lacquer, the compass, paper money and gunpowder.

Here’s your chance to catch up with an early discussion about China’s innovations, recorded at Resonance 104.4 FM in London as part of my pioneering Madam Miaow’s Culture Lounge series.

RADIO MINI SERIES Parts 1-5, Episode 15, 15 April 2014: China’s Innovations On YouTube And TikTok
RADIO MINI-SERIES Part 1 (above): “Chinese are incapable of original thought,” said the London mayor in 2005. Now look what they’ve achieved. Anna Chen presents Part 1 of the Madam Miaow’s Culture Lounge ResonanceFM104.4 radio series, Episode 15: China’s Scientific and Cultural Innovations and the Opium Wars. The 2008 Beijing Olympics debuts China’s technological advances in a stunning opening ceremony and shows the world how far it has come. Live broadcast London, 15 April 2014.

Part 2: China’s Scientific and Cultural Innovations from the seed drill to the metal stirrup and the first plastic.

RADIO MINI-SERIES: Anna Chen asks How did Europe get to dominate the world after China’s spectacular early technological success for nearly two millennia?

RADIO SERIES – FULL EPISODE: Anna Chen Presents MADAM MIAOW’S CULTURE LOUNGE, Episode 15: China’s Scientific and Cultural Innovations – at ResonanceFM, 15 April 2014. Includes a rare, early discussion on the Opium Wars. Groundbreaking series recorded 2013-2014.
